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  • 作家相片玉綺 Gyokuki


「Don't measure your progress

with someone else's ruler. 」

People who have tried to degrade or denounce you do not deserve your excessive kindness and warmness. Reserve them for Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and people who tried to raise you.

Don't measure your progress with someone else's ruler; don't live your life in order to be seen and accepted by those who misunderstand, misjudge and dismantle not only your value system but also your spiritual beliefs and path. Live your life to the fullest, as a prospective Shingon Yogi(ni), only for the appraisal of Mahavairocana, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and Kobo Daishi.


Yoga योग 瑜伽

Yogi योगि 瑜伽士

Yogini योगिनी 瑜伽女

Yogin योगिन् 瑜祇(複数)

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